Party Time

Hello again, hope all is going well in your part of the world, wherever that may be. Our part of the world has had reason to celebrate with the big party for Karen's Birthday. A wonderful weekend was had helping her celebrate this milestone, of couse I'm not telling anyone which milestone, that would be totally rude. Suffice to say it had a 0 and that is all you need to know. Now Karen is a woman of discerning taste and chose a wonderful venue for the big event. The party-goers spent a weekend at Moonah Links, a golf resort at Rosebud West on the Mornington Peninsula. It was ideally situated for the people who wanted to partake of a game of golf on the Saturday, before the big night. Lets just say no-one could have played the day after the party! Also for the girls who didn't play, the wineries of the Peninsula proved to be well worth a visit. Bill, Bett, Joey & I headed further south and did the tourist bit at Sorrento, complete with the yummiest soup ever at the Sea Baths Cafe. Oh and the best Trio of dips I think we have all seen. On our return, picking up BB after golf, a pre party drink in the Harris suite (Bett brought the wine) got us ready for the night ahead. The party went off with a bang, great music (excellent work Lauren & Chris), great food, great wine, good friends & family and the fun continued until the wee hours of the morning. If the sight of 10 people breakfasting in sunnies is the sign of a great night then I have to declare it a success. Some of us had got a few extra hours sleep and could see without the sunnies, but again I can't tell you who wore what. If I told you I would have to kill you and we wouldn't want that would we.
After we checked out, Bett, BB, Bill & I headed off to come home via Joey's place at Somerville. We decided to take the tourist route so got there via Arthur's Seat and Red Hill. It was a beautiful day and after a couple stops taking in the view on the way up to the top we finally made it and discovered why it is called Arthur's Seat. (I can't believe I never knew after living at Rosebud for all those years). It was named by Acting Lieutenant John Murray when he entered Port Phillip Bay in the ship Lady Nelson in early 1802, for an apparent resemblance to Arthur's Seat hill in Edinburgh (which was his home city). The drive through Red Hill amazed me as a lot of the Apple Orchards I remember have given way to acres of grapevines and there are oodles of wineries & B & B's throughout the whole area. A few good weekends look like being on the agenda as we investigate further. I think Joey has a spare bed, well we couldn't possible drink & drive could we. Coffee & cake at Joey's was all we could find room for and after that the trek back to Melbourne and a very early night for 4 very tired revellers. I'm sure we weren't the only ones that hit the sack very early that night.
So there we have it. Happy Birthday to Karen and we look forward to the next big one. I'm seriously thinking that all birthdays with a 5 should get the same attention as the ones with the 0's, but then again perhaps we couldn't hack the pace.
Unable to find a sculpture at Arthurs Seat (I didn't look very hard) I'll leave you with a perfect substitute this week - a couple of weary old relics after a big night out.
so until next time............