But wait there's more...

Yes another weekend and another opportunity for me to get back out into the world. We headed off to the city on the tram again. This time I sat in the Bourke St Mall & watched the world go by while Bill went off to the camera shop.
After his shopping expedition we stopped and had some lunch in a little cafe in Block Lane off Little Collins St. From there we caught a tram the short distance back to Federation Square where we wandered (slowly) for an hour looking at the wonderful photo's that made up the Earth From Above Exhibition.
It was here that we passed our sculpture for today. It is a fairly new piece just added around May/June this year. Fire, light and the Australian outback are evoked in 'Red Centre' created by Konstantin Dimopoulos, an artist from New Zealand. The reeds wave around in the breeze and provide entertainment for people as they try to push them around. While trying to find out a little more about the sculpture I found that he has similar pieces in both Arrowtown (Red Ridge) & Queenstown (Grassland) in NZ. I didn't see either so next time I'm in the vincinity I will have to go exploring. I like this photo with the newly completed Eureka building in the background. At the moment the 92 storey building is the tallest residential tower in the world but that will change soon as another being built in Malaysia will take the title once finished.
So now that I have imparted that little gem I will leave you all once more
until next time.............