The Hills are Alive

Spring has sprung and in Melbourne that means all the excitement of the Spring Racing Carnival. This year has had the whole racing community on tenderhooks with the horse flu saga but so far so good, all races have been run as usual and it is only a couple more weeks to wait for 'The Big One'. Tammy is coming to visit for two weeks so we will paint the town red once again. I have The Melbourne Cup tickets already, now we just hope the weather will be kind to us.
Talking weather, spring can be very unpredictable and this year has proved true to form with some great days followed by days when we are back in the grip of winter.
Spring flowers are always beautiful and the hills are alive with Flower Festivals, Open Gardens and lots of people just enjoying a day out. We decided to join them at the Tulip Festival in Monbulk a few weeks ago and drove up. Just as we arrived and went to get of the car the heavens opened and looked like it had set in for the day. Being the intrepid adventurers that we are, we stayed in the car and kept driving. Did you really think we wanted to get wet? We did find, and wander around Silvan Dam, which is a lovely park & picnic area. Then after driving up to the lookout at Mt Dandenong, where another torrential downpour kept us in the car and driving straight down again, we found a lovely old place in Sherbrooke where we had a cozy lunch in a dining room with an open fire blazing - all snug & warm.
The next week we drove into the hills again to re-visit the National Rhodedendrum gardens (we were too early for most of the flowers last year). This time we were in full winter gear complete with beanies & gloves & scarfs - you got to love Melbourne weather. But it was worth it. The gardens were ablaze with colour from all sorts of beautiful plants & trees. Mainly azaleas & rhodedendrums as the name suggests but lots of other varieties as well.
In contrast last weekend was just glorious, blue skies & sunshine so we decided to play tourist for the day on the River. We jumped on & off ferries and cruised along both up & down river learning lots about the way Melbourne has changed over the years. And that the Yarra really is an 'Upside Down River'. A great way to spend a day if you are looking for a little bit of rest & relaxation. And some great views of Melbourne.

As well as just cruising along these last few weeks we have caught up with some friends for dinner, found a couple of nice new restaraunts, and of course are still waiting for our Basketball team to have a win. Let's hope tonights the night for that.
So as October comes to an end and the excitement of November beckons, I say let the adventures begin
Untill next time...........