The Easter Bunny

brings Easter Eggs which are some of the yummy things that make Easter bad for us. After all our good intentions of not succumbing to these temptations we lasted until Saturday as I could not find a hot cross bun (on Friday) to buy in any of the local shops. But after a visit to the city the next afternoon we came home suitably stocked up for Sunday.
So what to do on a four day break when some of your dear friends are on a verandah many miles away. Apart from wishing we were there, of course. Well as I said we checked the 'what to do' list and managed to fill in our four days rather well I think.
With Easter being the perfect time for catching up with family & friends we did just this. After a quiet start to Friday and after chatting to Sarah for her birthday and to see how things were progressing with Baby Harris we drove down and met Mum & Maree at Maree's new home. After a video call to Faye & Ethan in the Netherlands we all went down the road to have dinner at the Chelsea Hotel. A nice afternoon/evening was had by all. We caught up with Gareth by phone the next day.
Saturday was a shopping day as we went in search of Easter goodies, then finished off the day with the Evil White Rabbit at Spamalot. With the show finishing it's Melbourne run in a few weeks we thought we had better hurry up and so we went along and did laugh out loud. It is a very funny show and you don;t need to be Monty Python mad to enjoy it. Dinner at Automatic finished a great night out.
Sunday was a beautiful day and just perfect for a BBQ with Astrid, Hans & Bianaca at their place in Healesville. Verity joined us and we had a great day. Lots of fun and far too much food, including Easter Eggs. No one needed dinner that night, though we couldn't say no to the cheese platter that we washed down with some more lovely Yarra Valley Red.
Monday and it was off to Telstra Dome to see Essendon play their first game of the season. After a very slow start the tide turned and we left there as winners. It was very hard to return to work on Tuesday morning after such a lovely break. Still we managed to get through the day as we counted down to the next weekend.
So here's hoping you all have had an enjoyable Easter and did not eat too many of those yummy (really bad) things.
A real change in the weather saw us getting out the coats & scarfs, and the beanie for Bill, once again. It's amazing how cold it felt after our heat-wave of the last few weeks. Still no one is complaining about the rain that came with the cool change.
At least it felt right being at the football this week (in the cold). After the game, which we shall not even mention here, we met up with Verity and went to the Portland Hotel to see a great comedy act from SA. Jason Chong is in Melbourne for the Comedy Festival which is in full swing now and we all laughed so much, I didn't think we could stop. Dinner afterwards finished our weekend and it was back to work the next morning.
Without a rabbit or an egg in sight for this weeks photo I went back through the albums and found this rather rustic sculpture we passed in Tassie, just as we were leaving Strachan. He's the closest thing to an Easter Bunny I could find. Enjoy.
Until next time...............