Yes, melting with a week of the hottest weather we have experienced since arriving here in 2005. As you all will have seen on the news and in the press we have also the worst bush fires ever experienced in Victoria's history. We have been watching the news and reading the newspaper with an ache in our heart as we have been to many of the places that have been destroyed. Marysville being one of our favourite places since returning to Melbourne. We were only there a few weeks ago as we came home from our weekend away at Eildon with Hans, Astrid, Bianca & Travers. They too have been in our thoughts all week as they have been working hard to save their house as the fires have raged all week in Healesville. So far so good and we hope a change in the weather this week means life will become easier for them and all those people in the affected areas.
As you will have also seen on the news Victoria & others have opened their hearts and help is pouring in at an amazing rate. I went to see Mezz play at bar 303 on Thursday night and she donated all takings to the bush fire appeal. She was wonderful as usual and just so pleased to be able to help others in their time of need.
On a brighter note we have visitors for the last 2 weeks. Gareth & Taegan have been with us for a holiday. It has been great to see them both and they have 'done' Melbourne really well. I don't think there are too many places & things they have not been, seen and done. The only thing they have not crossed off their list was the new Southern Cross Observation Wheel. During our week of extreme weather one of the struts has buckled and it was closed temporarily as the engineers from Germany & Japan came in to assess it. (This is according to the lady at the ticket counter). We were at Docklands today and they were working on it so hopefully it won't be too long before it is running again. They still managed to get up 'high' in Melbourne last Friday night when we visited Eureka Tower and they braved The Edge.

A few of the highlights of their visit were when we all went to Werribee Open Range Zoo last week where we saw the lions having breakfast and hand fed the giraffes. The photo of Tony the Rothschild Giraffe from Perth was taken as the keeper was enticing him over so we could feed him. He is now 17 and living a pretty good life in retirement here. He has one other giraffe for company at the moment but they are expecting two more from a NSW zoo soon. Just an amazing experience and loads of fun.
This week we went to Phillip Island and saw the Little Penguins as well as lots of other great places during the day.

A ride on Puffing Billy the next day (the diesel engine because of the fire bans) was great fun too. It has been lovely to have them here and share our wonderful city with them both. A farewell dinner in Lygon St tonight and a very early morning for them tomorrow as their plane leaves at 6.00am finishes off a great couple of weeks.
So for now Bill & I settle back into Darby & Joan mode while we think about our next adventure.
Until next time............