Bill's little 'Misadventure'
The beginning of winter has been celebrated in Docklands with the Ignite Winter festival, with lots of light & fire inspired events ( the Pyrophone was pretty spectacular) and at Fed Square where a funky light show is entertaining all who wander by.
It was here that our adventure begun. Not quite the one we were getting ready for. I'll let Bill tell it from here
Hi everyone,
Some rather sad news. I'm afraid we won't be making the trip to Perth for the moment. My fault I'm afraid. We were heading home after a nice night out in Melbourne with friends from Adelaide. Grant & Jill are Crows supporters and the plan was to go see the Bombers take on the Crows on the Sunday.
We hopped on a Tram at Federation square and the next thing I can recall I was in the emergency ward at the Alfred hospital with Rhos beside me and several hours had disappeared. I personally think Rhossie pushed me, but her version is a bit different.
As the tram has taken off the driver has done a "Bunny hop" as they often do. This one did a double hop and although I was OK for the first one, I must have still been unbalanced when the second one happened. I apparently grabbed for a seat or some such to steady myself, missed and went flying backwards to hit the back of my head and neck on a section of the tram that protrudes in the middle.
Knocked me out momentarily and scrambled my brain for a few hours (no smart comments please!!) Everything has gradually come back except for the minute or so before the accident and several hours afterwards.
The damage was some bleeding of the brain, which has all calmed down OK and a fracture of the Cervical Vertebrae #5. As a result I have a brace on that immobilises the neck, meaning I can't drive, lift anything heavy etc. 6 weeks appears to be the magic number, and all the signs are that I will be as good as gold after that. I am thanking my lucky stars, as it could have easily been much worse.
Although they probably would have allowed me to fly, Rhos and I decided that it wouldn't be much of a holiday for either of us and we will now head over later in the year. Sadly we miss Gareth & Taegan's engagement party and catching up with everyone, something we were really looking forward to, however that's the way it is.
Hope to catch you all before long and you can let Rhossie explain
Stay happy
Bill & Rhos
Now as Bill says, he is OK and subsequent visits to the Dr's have them pleased with his recovery. I guess we will have lots to tell you all when we finally catch up. Looks like Mt Buller is on the agenda for next year. Looks like I'm on a knee board again Bianca. Yippee - I swear I didn't push him.
We are really sorry that we won't see you all again for a few months but as we all know, time flies.
Until next time.....................