Little rays of sunshine
It really has been a year of records, starting with the hottest ever temperature in February with our 47 degree day, followed by the earliest snowfalls for many years in April, then coldest days in winter and now our early summer bringing us the hottest November nights since 1901. I guess it all really does indicate that the climate is changing. Summer dresses have been all the rage in the city as the heat continues, but there are still a few sceptics each day wearing scarves in the morning.
One of the sights we see from our window on a regular basis in summer are the rays of sunlight beaming off the Eureka building. It does look pretty amazing and I thought I would share it with you all.
After a quiet week spent at home we ventured down to Beaconsfield two weeks ago to celebrate Uncle Jack's 80th birthday. Uncle Jack is Bill's uncle (his Mum's brother). Once again it was good to catch up with lots of cousin's, Aunt's & Uncle's from all over the country, some not seen for many years. Looking at all the old photo's the grandchildren had put together was really like taking a trip back in time. Even a photo of our wedding. That was a shock. Uncle Jack had a wonderful day as did all his guests & we are all looking forward to his 90th now.

As we say goodbye to Spring and hello Summer the weather has had a change of heart again and we have had some major rain happening over the last two weeks, this time breaking records for November rainfall. It really is an interesting time. We took advantage of a break in the weather to spend Saturday at Serendip Sanctuary. Last time we were there it was a very busy place with birds nesting and this time we have enjoyed the results. Lots and lots of baby birds. We saw a baby Brolga, Swans with Cygnets, an Emu family with 7 or 8 young Emu's and the baby Ibis are just as noisy as the adults. The baby Owls would have been missed if not for the friendly ranger taking Bill off the beaten track to see them. They were so cute.
Back at work and Bill is hard at it in the Yarra Valley for a couple of days and I'm having a ball at the office.
Until next time........