Mega March
The Melbourne Food & Wine Fair followed, showcasing wares from all over Victoria. We tasted our way along Southgate where we found the fair in full swing on Sat morning. As we wandered along the riverfornt at Crown we found a rather unusual display with a live cow & calf out the front of Rockpool. As people gathered round we were to discover that it was a rather unusual way to promote the Wagyu Beef that the restaurant is known for. Not sure the animals would have been too happy if they knew what their future was to be. Still at the time they were quite contented.
The next day we took a break from the hustle & bustle of the city and spent a few quiet hours with the birds at the Western Treatment Plant in Werribee. We saw a lot of birds we had not previously seen and it was almost as if some of them were posing for the camera. Hopefully some good shots for future use.
With the food and clothes all packed away there was still time to play in March and in rolled the big guns, well cars. The F1's started to arrive and the road around Albert Park Lake was once again transformed into the Grand Prix track. It was all happening last week and I walked home each day to the squeal of the tyres as they performed their time trials and pre race checks. Over the weekend while we didn't venture down to the track we could hear all the excitement and of course had front row seats for the Roulettes & Fighter Planes flybuys.
What did we do instead? We had a great afternoon catching up with our cousins from the UK. Gwenda, Nick, Jasper & Paige had arrived earlier that morning and we caught up on all their news over lunch and a walk to the gardens and the Shrine. We arrived home just in time to watch the last Hornet doing a flypast right in front of our balcony. Jasper was thrilled as we are each time we see it. The power and the noise of the aircraft are just amazing. They have now continued on to NZ were they will spend 2 weeks with their sister, Sue and her family. I know they will all have a wonderful time together.
But still there was more. At the other end of town there was a much quiter event happening. The Melbourne International Flower & Garden show was in full swing at the Royal Exhibition Buildings. With no garden to tend to we did not rush out but I thought it rated a mention regardless. Maybe one year we will have a look.
And with only one week of this Mega month left the doors have now opened on The Melbourne International Comedy Festival. The ticket box is busy, the venues have queues out the door and the city is buzzing still.
So with the month flying by just like the final flypast on Sunday it's time to take a break, catch our breath and get ready for April.
until next time..........