Away with the birdies....

Helidon is a little town in the Lockyer Valley and we spent our days at a beautiful property called Abberton. Bill & his wife Eileen live on about 11 acres beside the river and their property is a haven for over 100 species of birds. They run tours from here throughout the area where birders/photographers are taken to many of the varied habitats located close by. By the end of the 3 days we had seen about 85 different birds and Bill had photographed more than 65 of these. We had a wonderful time with Bill & Eileen and saw so many things we would have just walked passed otherwise. One of the highlights of the trip was the beautiful Wedge Tailed eagle that we were able to see as it cruised above us giving both the guys some wonderful photo opportunities.
Our nights were spent at a gorgeous self contained B & B in the main street of Helidon. The Old Bank is the only heritage listed building in Helidon & it is the loveliest place to spend a few days. Even the Vault has been put to good use and is now a library with some wonderful old books tucked away in there.

A final coffee on the balcony with Bill & Eileen and we left Abberton on Thursday morning to drive to our next destination. We were staying in a little timber cottage deep in the rain forest at Mt Glorious. This lovely little place is a mountain which is part of the D'Aguilar Range roughly 30 km north west of Brisbane. The forest that surrounds the mountain village is part of Brisbane Forest Park and the D'Aguilar National Park.
After unpacking and settling in to our home for the next couple of days we took to the tracks in the forest where we could hear the most amazing bird calls. The loudest sound we could hear was that of the Green Catbird, so called because they sound just like a cat fighting. It sounded like there were dozens of them high up in the trees but we never saw one. The Eastern Whipbird was just as noisy and also just as elusive. We left the forest after an hour or so as it was getting too dark to see. Out in the open though it was still a bright shiny day and it was a couple of hours until the sun went down. The fire kept us warm and cozy overnight as the temperature dropped again.

Our last morning dawned bright and sunny and watching the sun rise from our verandah was another magical experience. A walk around the property after breakfast gave us the opportunity to see many of the birds that we could not see the day before in the rain. The finches, yellow robins, wonga pigeons, king parrots and the golden whistler were all pretty special while the Cat birds & Whipbirds remained as elusive as the day before. Better luck next time eh.
All too soon it was time to head down the mountain to the airport and home again. A safe trip home just in time to vote, wash and get ready for the week ahead.
until next time....................