The long awaited showdown...
between Essendon and West Coast Eagles took place on the 8th May. Lorraine & Hans bravely crossed the country once more in search of victory. With the Bombers having had a great win the week before we were hoping that this would continue and we would be the victors this year. With 2 wins each over the 4 years we have been attending these games together neither of us was prepared to give up hope of having the winning team on the day.
What we didn't realise when we had first set our 'date with destiny' was that May 8th was Mother's Day. Lorraine & Hans arrived on Saturday afternoon and after a detour to the shops on the way home we were soon catching up on each others news. It had been a long time since we had seen each other. With an early start planned for the following morning I had decided that we would have dinner at home and had been up to the market in readiness. Salmon with a lime butter sauce, new potatoes & salad was yummy and Lorraine took care of desert making a wonderful Lemon Meringue Pie.
Our early start saw us all up at 7.00am and we drove down to Mordialloc where we joined Mum & Maree for breakfast at Seed Cafe to celebrate Mother's Day. We had a lovely morning and a yummy breakfast and soon it was time to head home to get ready for the 'Big Game'. The cold, wet day was real football weather and it is days like this when you really appreciate the game being at Etihad Stadium with the roof closed. Even though Bill had been in charge of buying the tickets we seemed to be sitting in an Eagles dominated area but it was good fun and certainly made Lorraine & Hans feel right at home. The first half looked promising for them but I am pleased to say that after the long break the Bombers went from strength to strength and it was our song that was playing as we left Etihad for another year. What can I say. We love being good hosts but this is football and we love to win. We did have to laugh when after the game our diehard Eagles fan (Hans) fessed up that he had picked the Bombers in the footy tipping competition so was ahead of Lorraine at the moment.
The continuing wet & windy weather made the where to eat decision an easy one and home won out once more. Topping up last nights cheese platter was a great starter, blue grenadier fish burgers and leftover Lemon Meringue Pie took care of another yummy dinner and before we knew it our beds were calling. We said our goodbyes that night as we were both off to work early in the morning. Lorraine & Hans got to sleep in and have a day in town before they were picked up by Lisa for phase 2 of their week in Melbourne. We had a great weekend with them both and can't wait for next years game.
The following weekend was looking good as we were going to have dinner with Bryce & Susie to celebrate our birthdays. All was on track until Bill woke up on Friday morning with the cold from hell and by Saturday it was clear that he was not going to be going anywhere that day. We were so sorry to have to cancel at such short notice and hope that you had a great Birthday Bryce. We will see you next week and share a belated birthday drink or two then.
It was my Birthday on Tuesday and we had a fun night with Mum, Maree, Jarrod & Aaron at the Edithvale RSL. Bill met us there after work and while still full of a cold he had improved enough to join us. We also met Mum's brother, Uncle Jack & Auntie Alison who were there celebrating their 59th wedding anniversary. It was great to see them both and share their night. Only 24 years to go and we'll have caught them. As this weekend approached Bill's return to health took a detour and his cold has developed into a nasty cough which has necessitated a course of antibiotics and it seems his birthday present to me was to share. Since Thursday I have been following in his footsteps with the runny nose and crying eyes - such a good look. So far no more than that and fingers crossed that's where it stops. Not happy Jan! Tonight's intended trip to the MCG to watch the Dreamtime Game had to be put on hold and we are sitting in front of the telly with the heater on. Must be better by next week as we are off to see Cirque Du Soleil with Bryce & Susie. Can't wait.
So I'll leave you all there knowing that you are all glad you can't catch our bug just by reading my ramblings. Hope you all stay healthy as Winter approaches.
until next time..........