We both survived our four day week and with Brenda, Brad & Shanae visiting Melbourne we decided that we would stay home for Easter. We enjoyed our sleep-in on Friday morning and just had a lazy day at home until it was time to jump in the car and head down to Bonbeach. It was great to see Brenda & the kids again and with lots of news to catch up on we chatted non stop for some time. We continued chatting over dinner at the Chelsea pub where we joined Mum, Maree, Jarrod & Aaron. We had a great night and it was good to see everyone again.
Saturday was a shopping day and after a few hours of retail therapy it was time to go home and get ready for a big night out. It was Brenda's birthday and we were meeting her at the Casino to help her celebrate the big day. It was good to see her Mum again as she had come down from Qld with Brenda & the kids. A good night was had by all.

By Sunday we were ready for an adventure of our own and so had decided to head off to Queenscliff for lunch. We had been there before a couple of years ago but we had never been over on the car ferry. We drove there and at first look we thought we would never get parking or get in anywhere for lunch, there were so many people. The tourist gods must have been smiling on us as we found a parking spot straight away and the first cafe we saw had a free table on the veranda in the sunshine. Lunch was a very tasty seafood share plate and we whiled away a couple of hours just watching the world go by. People watching is such fun in a tourist town.
After lunch we wandered the quaint little town and fossicked in and out of the more interesting shops before we headed off to the wharf to catch the ferry across to Sorrento. We had a half hour wait but entertained ourselves watching the yachts coming and going. Once on the ferry you can leave the car and we sat up on the open top deck all the way across. It was a good trip, calm and not too cold at this time of year. On arrival at Sorrento we drove off and as it was now after 5pm we drove straight on home to the city. We had a light dinner and curled up on the couch for the night. A very early one after our big day out.

Easter Monday was also Anzac Day. We have always said that we would get up and go to the Dawn Service at the Shrine and each year I wake up but always manage to talk myself into rolling over again and going back to sleep. This year we decided that we had been able to get up at 5 for a sunrise cruise so we should be able to do the same for the Dawn Service. We did and while it was a little colder than Kakadu it was certainly worth the effort. We walked up to the Shrine in the dark with a heavy fog shrouding the city. It was a very moving service and the foggy morning just added to the emotion of it all.
The other big event on Anzac Day is of course the Essendon vs Collingwood football game at the MCG. Each year we go to the game with Bianca (poor misguided Pies supporter) and her parents, Astrid & Hans and this year we were looking forward to a great game. And of course hoping to go home as victors after the Bombers great start to the year. We had a great day but as you will all know by now, it was Bianca that was smiling at the end of the day - again. Still it was a good game and we had a lot of fun. After the game we all went to Chinatown and enjoyed a fun dinner in one of the many restaurants there. We really did miss Tammy & Paul who have just moved to Derby and were unable to get over for the game this year.

With Anzac Day falling on Easter Monday we had an extra long holiday and so got to have one more sleep in in Tuesday morning. I hope that everyone made the most of it because it will be 79 years before the two events come together again. I'm guessing I won't be around to enjoy another 5 day break. We had a quiet day at home catching up on housework, washing & ironing. A bit of a drag but it had to be done. And the best part was there was only 3 days to go before the weekend. What a great week.

Since then we have been busy at work but have still had time to enjoy our last weekend. We had a lovely lunch with Andrew & Vanessa on Saturday. The World bar & Restaurant on the Yarra is a great place to do lunch and we had a fun few hours catching up on all their adventures. It has been a year since we saw them last. And on Sunday we met Tim at Etihad Stadium were we watched the Bombers win their game against the Gold Coast Suns. Win wasn't quite the word, they annihilated them. We did feel for the new team but I guess in time they will find their feet and even the scores.
As we face another week at work we are looking forward to next Saturday when Lorraine & Hans arrive from Perth for their yearly pilgrimage to see the Eagles play Essendon. Our fingers are crossed for another win. I'll let you know how we go.
until next time...........