of the AFL Grand Final just has to be experienced to be believed. That one day in September this year became that one day in October. Didn't really have the same ring about it but not for one moment did it detract from all the excitement leading up to the big game. The weather did try to throw a spanner in the works with a week long return to deepest winter. The two teams trained for the week in the bitter cold and wet weather but for the duration of the Grand Parade on Friday the sun shone down on all the people who had trekked into the city for the big event. Perhaps there was hope for tomorrow.
Saturday morning dawned colder and wetter than the previous days and with a top temperature of 15 deg forecast we wondered if the mighty MCG would be less than full. We were lucky, with tickets in the Legends Room and our ticketed seats were under cover but many 1000's of people would have to be seated in the rain. Would they still come. A silly question really, this was the AFL Grand Final and I'm sure there would be no shortage of Collingwood and Geelong fans who would have sat through any weather to see their teams play for the ultimate prize.

Bill & I got the glad rags on and made our way to the MCG for the biggest day on the AFL calender. It was cold and wet but we stayed dry under the large umbrellas we carried. Even at 10.30am there was a constant stream of people dressed in team colours making their way either to the MCG or other venues to watch the game. We joined the procession and crossed the William Barak Bridge to the MCG where we had to wait in the rain for 15 mins until they sorted out the entry gates. Once inside we found the Legends Room, our allotted table and joined our other guests for a day of fun. Being greeted at the door with a glass of Champagne was a great start and it continued in fine style from there. We enjoyed a lovely 3 course lunch together with some pre match chatter from some other AFL players before we headed out to our seats to see the pre match ceremony.

A Parade of Cups from previous years, the team songs performed by the Victorian Youth Choir accompanied by the MSO & the arrival of this years AFL Cup. And of course the teams breaking through their banners for the final time this year was all very exciting. While all this was going on the ground was filling up and by the time the National Anthem was sung there was not an empty seat to be seen. Advance Australia Fair sung by more than 99,500 people sends a tingle down your spine and the cheer from the crowd when the siren went was just mind blowing. Let the game begin.
I'm sure that you will all have seen the game by now or at least seen the highlights. You will know that the rain held off for most of the time and only a couple of light showers took place during the afternoon. I had decided to join forces with our friend Bianca & our nephews, Jarrod & Aaron and support Collingwood for the day. As you can imagine this was met with disdain from most of the people I spoke to on the day including Bill who was going for Geelong. I did my job well and stayed true to the end but it was not enough and Geelong ran out victorious on the day. It was a great game and kept everyone enthralled until that final quarter when Geelong took control. We had four very passionate Geelong supporters in our party so it was good to see them happy at the end.

A final drink after the game as the crowds made their way out of the ground and then it was time for the fairytale to end. Back outside the rain had started again. The tram ride home was another event in itself with people from both sides in fine voice, singing both team songs with gusto and good humour. Not sure how late into the night the good humour would last but we would be home safe and sound by that time. Federation Square was packed with people waiting in the rain for the players to be presented at 8.30pm. It was only 7.00pm as we passed and this morning the papers said that there were 35,000 waiting to see them. Now is that dedication - or madness!?
And so ends footy season for another year. I can't tell you what a privilege it was to be able to attend the games over the last 2 weeks. And to do it in such style was wonderful, thank you Bailey Ladders.
And then this morning a new era dawns as Daylight Savings starts again for the next 6 months. The rain has stopped and the sun is shining once more. We had a slow start to the day watching the Post game wrap ups in the morning, yummy pancakes for lunch at Panettes in South Melbourne and in from there we went to the cinema at Crown to see Red Dog. What a lovely movie it was. Very funny & heartbreaking at times but well worth seeing. Another little Aussie gem. And the North West WA scenery just spectacular.
So another week over and we head back to work tomorrow. Bill is off again this week to warmer places and who knows what next weekend will bring. We'll have to see.
until next time.......