Before we knew it our first week at work was over and it was time to hit the road for a weekend at Eildon. We have loved our trips each year to visit Astrid, Hans & Bianca at their camp site at the lake and were looking forward to spending two nights there this year. After another red wine on Boxing Day we decided that it would be a good idea to go for two weekends and an even better idea to leave the camper there so we didn't have to tow it up & back twice. Travers would camp under the awning for the week we were at work so it was not deserted - he had a super dooper swag and looked quite comfortable in the photo he sent us.
We left after work on Friday night and travelled up and over the Black Spur to the camp site arriving just as it was getting dark. While we set up, Astrid heated up the quiche I had taken for dinner and very soon we were settled in and sharing a bottle of wine, just the thing after a busy week at work. A chilly night had us rugging up and Bill looking a treat in Astrid's purple beanie. No photo's, they didn't come out without the flash, sorry folks. We chatted for a couple of hours before turning in for the night and once inside we were warm & toasty and stayed that way until morning.

The next morning dawned bright, blue and sunny and while chilly for a while it warmed up quickly. I have decided that there is nothing better than waking up in the bush with the sounds of the birds all around. Bird life is a real feature at the lakeside camp ground with King Parrots, Rosellas, Noisy Miners, Kookaburras & White Winged Choughs all happily mingling with the campers. Some a little too close as the Parrots are quite happy to land on you if they think there is a chance of food. You are not meant too feed them but water is OK and a saucer left outside the van saw many of them drinking and bathing happily. After breakfast with the birds we spent a couple hours enjoying the sunshine and then we joined Astrid & Bianca for a drive into Alexander to shop for the weekends supplies. A coffee at the Dairy Cafe was another excuse to kick back in the sunshine but it was soon time to head back to meet Hans who was arriving soon. His holiday was starting today.
After lunch we decided it was time that we donned the bathers and tried out the water. Bill & Hans were not tempted but Astrid, Bianca & I swam for a half hour or so. The water was freezing at first but once we were in it was great. So hard to believe we were swimming where we had been walking just last year. And we couldn't even begin to touch the bottom - the lake at almost 100% full is a joy to behold - just so different from the 17% a few years ago. After our swim we took some time out relaxing in the shade and reconvened for pre dinner drinks and nibbles a little later.

Bianca, Hans & Bill headed off to bar-b-que the meat for dinner and Astrid & I stayed on salad duty and before long we were tucking in to a yummy dinner and a great night of chatter. Another chilly night saw a few camp fires lit, but it was the Irish Boys that kept us amused for the evening. Obviously their last night here they were letting their hair down and playing drinking games. Mmm - Irish boys and alcohol - an interesting mix. As they got louder we could hear their dares were becoming more daring and before long the loser was dared to do the walk of shame. Yep - a nudie run around the camp ground. We just thought we'd make it interesting by lighting their way as they passed us. A little shock at first but before long the culprit was revelling in the attention. And the best thing was just 10 mins after curfew they went quiet and we never heard another peep out of them - anaesthetised I think. We too decided to call it a night and slept like logs after our day of sunshine and fresh air.
A slow start to a beautiful Sunday, Bianca cooked bacon & eggs for everyone, before moving to our campsite for morning tea at site 25. The morning just seemed to melt away and before long we were preparing to eat again. How time just flies by when you are just sitting back enjoying the bush, the birds and friends.

After lunch it was time for us to tidy up, pack up and head back down the hill for another week at work. It was so hard to leave everyone but knowing we would be back the following weekend did make it easier to go. We left Hans putting the boat in and Bianca was going out to get some skiing in. Travers was arriving on Monday to take up residence under our awning - I really didn't want to leave but by Tuesday I was glad I had.
On Tuesday the lovely weather was replaced with a return to winter with snow falling on Mt Buller & Mt Hotham. Overnight temperatures of 5 and below made for a chilly week in the campsite though I must say I'm impressed they all stayed. No skiing though as the weather was so bad. We drove back on Friday night this time going up the Melba Hwy through Yea and Kinglake and while not as spectacular as the black spur it is not such a big hill. We were looking for an easier run down with the camper. It was so good to see everyone again and still very chilly but an extra blanket took care of that and again we were cozy and warm inside.

Once again we woke up to a bright, blue & chilly morning to find Hans, Bianca & Travers had already been for a ski. Travers was returning home that morning and wanted to get out on the water early. Breakfast with the birds kept us entertained for some time and before long we were saying goodbye to Travers as he left to go home. Bill & I took a drive into Alexander to pick up a few bits and then we came back for lunch and a lazy afternoon of R & R. We girls swam as the afternoon warmed up but once again the boys watched from the shade of the gum trees. The many birds kept us all entertained during our waking hours as they went about their business among the campers. Watching people packing up & leaving, others coming in and setting meant that there was never a dull moment. Lots of people come up for 2 or 3 weeks like Hans & Astrid, others like us are just in & out for the weekend but all seemed very organised and very friendly.
Saturday night we were being spoiled with Bianca making her special Bianca Burgers - Yummy homemade hamburgers that really needed two hands to handle them. Absolutely wonderful and our salad was pretty good too I reckon.

After dinner we took our chairs and our wine down to the lake where we had a camp fire in one of the appointed fire rings. Later we had chocolate bananas done in the coals and they were just 'heavenly'. With a cloudless sky it was a bit chilly but extra layers and a roaring fire meant we stayed nice and warm as we ate, drank and stargazed for a few hours. The night sky has to be seen to be believed away from the city lights. We all slept very well that night.
Sunday mornings bacon & eggs brunch tasted so good as Bianca cooked up a storm once again. We decided that we would clean and pack up while the others headed out for a ski now the water and the weather seemed better. That is the only bad bit about camping, sooner or later it all needs to be packed up and you have to go home again. We had a coffee and said our final goodbyes and drove off into the afternoon for our trip back to the city. We had had a wonderful two weekends and can't wait too do it all again next year. Thank you all so much for letting us share your holiday and showing us how much fun life in the bush can be.
Our trip home down the Melba Hwy was an easy run and after a mercy stop at Ringwood to give Travers back his wallet - yes he had left it there, we arrived home tired but happy and already looking forward to our next trip away. Not just yet - we need a weekend at home to do some chores.
So after a wonderful start to 2012 and with many more adventures planned for the future I'll say goodnight for now and
until next time......