Keep up to date with Rhos and Bill as they enjoy life in country Victoria and places beyond. Photos by Bill and Rhos

Monday, December 19, 2016

Markets, Shows and fun with friends.......

Our first weekend at home saw us settled in and ready to get out and about again.  We drove down to Violet Town and spent the morning wandering through their great market.  Always busy here the lovely sunny day had brought people out in their droves so it was a great fun vibe as we wandered around and picked up some local produce.
The rain returned Sunday so we hunkered down inside with the heater on and tried to stay warm.  Who could credit two such different days we thought but it seemed we had to get used to this mad see sawing weather as it was set to hang around for a while.

Monday saw us in the car again as we drove up to Wodonga with a very sick patient in the car.  Our coffee machine had died just before we went away and so now we were on a mission to see if it could be fixed.  Our choices were Brunswick West or Wodonga and the lesser of two evils, traffic wise, won out.  The sun was shining and once we delivered the patient we drove over to Albury and had a look around the shops, sorted out the banking and picked up scripts - all very exciting stuff eh!  Now we wait patiently to hear the outcome of the coffee machine.   We are still waiting as I post this!
We decided that we would drive home via Yackandandah and get some lunch at a favourite cafe.  Once there we found it had changed hands and didn't look so nice anymore so while deciding where to go next we saw a new pie shop.  Wow - Gumtree Pies are delicious.  Home made pies with large chunks of beautifully cooked meat were absolutely worth the drive and we came home with six more uncooked ones for the freezer.  We'll certainly be going back there again.

The rest of the week passed quickly as we got back into our normal routine and soon it was another Saturday and this week our market at Euroa.  Once again the sun shone and we enjoyed a wander through, picked up some fresh food and enjoyed a coffee and some music while we had a quick catchup with Judy and Geoff who were sitting at the same table.  Good to see them again.
The following week was Euroa Show Day and Bill was entering some pictures in the photographic section so had been getting ready for that during the week.  On Friday he had gone down to help out with the set up so I caught up with housework while he was out.  Sounds exciting doesn't it.

The next day we went to the show and really enjoyed looking around and seeing all things country again.  The sheep shearing and the sheep dogs are my favourite and we watched the dogs for ages before popping into the pavilion for a hard earned coffee.  Just in time as the heavens opened and that ever pesky rain came down once more.  It didn't stay long and I think most people managed to stay dry.  The community scarecrow competition was a great hit though I'm sad to say this one that I liked best did not win.
The good news was that Bill had done very well in the photographic section and he won three First Prizes and The Champion prize so came home with a show ribbon.  And all of them Landscapes as there was not a bird section.

Back at home I settled in while Bill returned later to help out in the dismantling and packing up at the show.  The rain returned with a vengeance and it was a quiet night in once he and the fish and chips were home.
The wet and sunny weather has been great for the gardens and all around us we hear lawnmowers working hard each time the sun shines.  Bill has kept ours in check and is trying to get rid of the many weeds to give the grass a chance.  We have planted some more tomatoes and some herbs so hope these do better than last year.    The flowers planted before we left have put on a lovely show to welcome us home.
On Friday we were off again, this time to visit Cheryl and Shane at St Leonards.  We had a great weekend with them going out to a Chinese Restaurant in Ocean Grove for dinner on Friday night.  The sunset view from the table was wonderful but this picture taken with my phone through the window really doesn't do it justice but you get the idea.
The next day we drove to a little winery for lunch.  A Taste of the Coast was in full swing, similar to WA's Spring in the Valley, so the place was hopping.  Food, drinks and music keeping everyone in high spirits on another beautiful day.  We shared a tasting plate for lunch then moved on to a local flower farm for coffee before returning home to St Leonards for a relaxing afternoon and night catching up.  
The next morning we drove over to Queenscliffe for a look at their market and once again come home with lovely fresh strawberries and more herbs for the garden.  After a coffee in town we said farewell to Cheryl  and Shane and made our way home once more.  We had enjoyed a fabulous weekend with good friends again.  Thanks so much for your wonderful hospitality and we look forward to seeing you both again soon.
Back at home the weather seems to be settling into a more stable pattern but now we have to water a bit more we might miss the rain.   I spent an afternoon selling raffle tickets for Wool Week with the ladies from The Third Age Club and then was lucky enough to win a door prize at the Wool Week concert.  A lovely box of goodies from the local chemist.  
On Sunday we drove over to Mansfield to catch up with Shelley, Darren, Kyan and Ashleigh.  Bill and Darren used to work together at one time.  They have an on site van in one the caravan parks in Mansfield.  It was great to see them and while there one of the Targa Cars arrived in readiness for next weeks event. The 'Envy' Porche had just arrived from Brisbane and looked pretty good.  We met the driver and the navigator and they were looking forward to seeing how this new car went in the three day event.
Friday saw great excitement in town as the Targa High Country came to town.  Today's route brings the cars across from Mansfield via Merton, Harry's Creek and Gall Gap Rd.  Binney St was the place to be as the cars rolled in and the drivers and navigators had a chance to stretch their legs and have some lunch.  Coming in different classes the action went on for a few hours.

My little brush with fame came about as Grant Denyer, from TV's Family Feud, walked past us and Bill asked he could take a photo with me.  I managed to hide my embarrassment and think I look fairly normal but I killed Bill later.  Still I was thrilled as I have always had a soft spot for Grant.
We watched as the drivers squeezed themselves back into the cars and before long the street was back to normal.  We did chuckle as one navigator was well over six foot and he managed to squeeze into one of the smallest Porches there.  Hope they had a quick run back to Mansfield.

On Saturday Astrid and Hans came across from Chum Creek and we had a lovely lunch at The Butter Factory.  The food from the new chef was delicious and we had a great afternoon catching up on each others adventures since we went away.  They had a wonderful trip to Europe while we went bush here in Australia.  Once again it was so good to catch up and we will see you both again soon.

A few weeks later we spent a fabulous afternoon at the Sevens Creek Estate Fair just out of town.  Last time we were here it was a cold and miserable day.  This time the sun shone, people met and mingled, ate and drank together as they all enjoyed the beautiful day.  Hopefully they raised alot of money for the hospital.

A bit of excitement one night as the Supermoon rose.  Said to be the largest moon in some 70 odd years there will not be another one for some time.  The clouds stayed away and Bill set his camera up on the roof to take some pictures.  I like this one as it pops out from behind the trees.
Over the next couple of weeks we had a busy time with visitors coming and going.  Our first guest was Alan who came and stayed for the weekend.  We had a great time catching up having not seen each other since Townsville.  The following week Jacq and Steve called in on their way through Victoria and we had a fun afternoon and night.  We enjoyed a great night out with Faye and Kevin when we had fish and chips by the creek and saw the movie Girl on a Train afterwards.  
Sandra and Vicki from Perth were our next guests and they arrived from a shopping spree in Melbourne loaded up with goodies to take home though a fair few of the yummies got consumed over the next three days.  They also took the opportunity to add a touch of Christmas cheer to the house as they put our little tree up and added a few extras touches to the place.  Yes, it looks lovely and it was great to see them both again.  We had a fun time with them.

And so now here we are, over two months have passed since we arrived home and the time seems to be racing by.  The weather still can't make up its mind as to whether to be summer or winter just yet though the Christmas Day forecast is for 36 deg.  

We have David, Corbyn and Amelie arriving later this week to spend Christmas with us.  We are really looking forward to seeing them all again and it will be lovely to have Christmas with kids in the house again.  We are going to Faye's place in Parkdale for Christmas dinner so it will be a busy day for us all but it will be great for the kids to meet their other Aunties, Cousins and Great Grandmother.

And so now all that is left to say is that Bill and I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and hope that you all have a wonderful time where ever you spend your day.  

until next time.......