Show Days, Wool Week and Market Madness.....
On our arrival home we took a couple of days to empty the van and learn how to live in a house again. It sure is a long way to bed each night!
While we were away Bill had left cards and photos in the galleries at Glenrowan, Benalla and Shepparton so we had a drive around to see how things had gone. All had sold well and it looked like he had some work to do to restock. Also while we were gone he designed and had printed the 2019 Calender and he decided to offer it further afield. This saw us making day trips to Bright, Beechworth, Yackandandah, Chiltern, Wangaratta and Elmore to see if anyone was interested and as a result he has sold calendars and cards in all places.
At home Euroa was entering a busy time beginning with Show and Shine kicking off a fun few weeks. A beautiful day saw the parkland on the banks of Sevens Creek packed with a wonderful array of cars, entertainment, mini train rides and people everywhere - a fun day for all who attended.
A couple of weeks later we joined in the festivities of Wool Week, the first time we have been home for this event. We decided that we would join the market traders in Binney St and had a stall selling the cards and calenders. Bill took care of business while I joined my Line Dancing friends for the Street Parade and our Line Dancing display accompanied by great music played by Greg Dudley.
The Euroa Show was the next fun event and like last year Bill was helping out so did not enter but we had a great day once again checking out all things country. I'm not sure I'd be too keen to wear this dress though. Embellished with beetles I think I'll leave it on the rack!
With the interest shown in Bills work we thought we'd 'take it to the masses' and try the local markets in the lead up to Christmas. And so we have had a few very early starts as we have participated in markets at Euroa, Avenel, Benalla, Violet Town, Jamieson and Tallarook. All have been fun and quite successful. We have had hot days, rainy days and nice days but none that we wished we hadn't bothered. We are still deciding if it's worth going beyond Christmas but for now just one left this year at Benalla. We have met some lovely people and caught up with many friends as well.
As November rolled into December the usual round of Christmas events started. Bill had two nights out with the Photography Club and the Computer Club. I joined the Line Dancing ladies for our Christmas outing. We had an early start as we caught the 8.30 train to Melbourne and then caught The Tram Boat for a cruise down the Yarra to Williamstown. We spent an hour or so having a walk around and shopping before it was time to board the boat again. A fabulous lunch of very tasty Fish and Chips was enjoyed as we sailed back to Docklands.Back in the city we all had a couple of hours of free time to look, shop or just chill out before it was time to return to Southern Cross to catch the train home. I think we certainly entertained the other train passengers on both journeys. A fabulous day was had by all. The next week we partied again as we had our Christmas breakup dinner and danced all night to the music of Jimmy and Gayle.
As Christmas was almost upon us we did a final drive round to restock where necessary. It was great to see the many different Christmas decorations in the different towns. I just loved how they have decorated the old letterbox in Chiltern.
On Saturday evening we had to drag the coats out as we joined the community in the park for Carols by the Creek. We had a fun night with Roma, Harold, Debbie, Joan and Pam. The little kids loved seeing Santa as always and us big kids enjoyed our visit to MacDonalds for ice cream and coffee afterwards.
Just a few days later it was back in the car again as we made our way to Bonbeach where we were joining Mum, Maree, Jarrod and Aaron for Christmas dinner. We enjoyed a lovely day and Aaron and Maree excelled themselves in the kitchen again. Faye, Rem and Ethan joined us later in the day and another few hours of fun and frivolity was enjoyed by all. I hope you all enjoyed your Christmas whatever you did.
We stayed overnight with Maree and after a leisurely start the next morning we made our way to Chum Creek to spend the afternoon with Astrid, Hans and many of their neighbours. We had a lovely afternoon in the garden enjoying good food, cool drinks and great company.
A few days later we made our way up and over the hill again as we drove to Bonnie Doon to meet Shelley, Darren and Kyan. Lunch at the Bonnie Doon Hotel was delicious and it was wonderful to catch up again.
And just like that 2018 was drawing to a close. Once again we had a very quiet New Years Eve at home watching the fireworks on telly. We are becoming predictable aren't we. As I write this last chapter and look back I am truly amazed at all we have done and seen this year. The adventure of travelling many many km on remote outback roads to faraway places was great. Seeing family and friends again was wonderful and being able to spend time with our beautiful grandchildren was really special.
For now though it's time to say farewell to 2018 and look forward to all 2019 might bring. Bill and I wish you all health and happiness in the year ahead and if we pass by your way we'll drop in and say hello.
until next time.........