Keep up to date with Rhos and Bill as they enjoy life in country Victoria and places beyond. Photos by Bill and Rhos

Thursday, December 31, 2020

Life as we know it.........

 comes to a screeching halt or so it seems.  It has been 10 months since I wrote my last installment of rhossietalk and it has been a time that we could never have imagined happening.  Just reading my last post I noticed the final words were that ‘we had a busy and eventful start to the year and that I was certain it would continue’.   How wrong those words proved to be!

By mid March the news was full of worrying stories of this new virus in China and we watched and listened with increasing concern as it looked like it may start to affect us here.  Just a week later it seemed that steps were to be taken to keep us safe and gathering in groups was not recommended.  Of course we all know what happened at this time and as the masses panicked the shelves in supermarkets across the country were stripped bare and toilet paper of all things became the most fought after item around.  The mind still boggles!

The next week brought news that sealed our fate for the next few months with SA, WA and NT closing their borders to all travel and Qld following suit soon after.  This meant that winter 2020 would be spent in Euroa for the first time since moving here.  This was a development that did not please Bill at all as Victorian winters are not something that he likes to experience any more.  As people ignored the guidelines on social distancing the government stepped in and closed all pubs, clubs, casinos, cafes, restaurants and churches.  People should have listened.

We spent some days in the car as we drove around to some of our outlets and picked up merchandise from shops which had decided to close for now.  As March turned into April the biggest disappointment was that Bill’s exhibition at Bush Gatherings was postponed indefinitely as all Galleries had to close too.  Corona Virus (COVID-19) had arrived in Australia and was affecting us all in different ways.  

During the next 8 weeks we adjusted slowly to life at home in a rapidly cooling climate.  We walked into town each day for some exercise and bought take away coffees and enjoyed sitting on a seat in the sun.  This way we were able to chat to people passing by.  Back at home the heaters went on and the winter clothes came out and got worn in earnest for the first time in 5 years.  I finished off a rug that I had started to knit about 8 years ago and I can tell you that it kept me warm right through those cold months.

Bill decided to be proactive and after many years of procrastination he finally got to and set up his online store for Birds in Focus.  With no markets on at the moment it gave him something to do and slowly but surely business is growing.  He also took the opportunity to get his calendars ready for 2021 and he did two designs for us and also the calendar for The Euroa Historical Society.   With visiting other homes not allowed we managed to catch up with friends for Zoom coffee dates and Bill’s Computer and Photography groups were held on Zoom as well.  Unfortunately my Line Dancing and exercise groups were cancelled.

Mid May saw the lifting of some restrictions and we were able to travel around regional Victoria again and so over the next few weeks we visited Yackandandah, Shepparton, Benalla, Glenrowan and back at home throughout May and June we enjoyed coffee with friends in the cafe not on the street.  Cheryl and Shane came to visit us and stayed overnight as they headed off for a week in Bright.  It was lovely to see them after so long and we had a great night and a delicious meal at the Northern Republic.

July saw an increase in numbers of the virus again in Victoria and the border was shut into NSW.  Greater Melbourne was put into a full lockdown and then a few weeks later regional Victoria was put back into level 3 restrictions like before.  It was back to takeaway coffee and a seat in the sun.  Meanwhile winter was well and truly here with overnight temps below zero and daytime cold and bleak.  Bill was not a happy camper!  The beginning of August saw the wearing of masks become mandatory in Victoria.  They have become the new fashion item here.

Before we returned to restrictions Bill had been having discussions with Melanie, a friend from Euroa, about opening a Pop Up Art space in town.  They were given the opportunity to rent a small shop in the Main Street and together with 6 other artists from the local area Pop Up Arts Euroa was born.  

Deb is a painter, showcasing our lovely farmyard creatures and local flora.  Ali does pottery and the quirky sheep series have been a winner.   Valerie does beautiful handmade silk and merino scarfs, Phil and Rita do lovely glassware and laser cut metal birds.  Tony creates wonderful sculptures out of old tools, Sarah does a range of natural skin care, Melanie does the most amazing hats and of course we all know Bill’s beautiful range of birds.  The shop opened without fanfare on the 28th August and we were pleasantly surprised by the interest shown from many of the local people.  Everyone had sold items during our first month which was still in restrictions.  We were very happy with a promising start to our little enterprise.

A few weeks after opening restrictions were relaxed a little and we began to get visitors from other regional areas.  Business was steady and people seemed to love our little shop.  Another big moment arrived when at last Bush Gatherings was able to open again and Bill’s exhibition was the first one back.  On for one month it was shame people from the Greater Melbourne area were unable to attend but as the weeks wore on many people visited and at the end over 100 people had been through and 9 pieces had sold.  We deemed it a success and thank Annette very much for her wonderful contribution and encouragement for local artists.

As restrictions were relaxed more it was once again time to hit the road and make the rounds of the shops delivering calendars and stock.   Many km were driven through North Eastern Victoria and it was great to see people again.  In November the markets opened again and we did Tallarook, Avenel, Violet Town and Euroa.  All were well received by the public who were so pleased to be able to out and about again.  

We managed to get away before the markets started for a weekend at our favourite place at Jamieson Valley Retreat.  It was so good to see Angie and Freddie again and we enjoyed a delicious dinner with them one night and afternoon tea on the deck the next day.  Thank you so much for your wonderful hospitality.

From mid November Greater Melbourne were allowed to travel to the regions so we are now seeing more people at the markets and in the shop.  Borders have been opened again throughout the country but still we have to be careful.  I think complacency could be the undoing of everything if people are not careful.  The news coming out of the Northern Hemisphere is awful and I do hope things start to improve soon and we can all get back to some sort of normal - though who knows what ‘normal’ will be from now on.

The first Saturday in December saw us drive across to Yea for the first market back there.  After a good morning we called into the Y Centre and found this clever Christmas Haystack at the front.

And so after 10 months of living in these very strange times we are still smiling, missing all our family and our friends in other states but have been so grateful for the opportunity to try new things.  We are certainly hoping we can get the caravan out on the road again sooner rather than later but for now the run up to Christmas will be a busy time for us both as we manage both the markets, pop up shop and service the outlets we have.

We did have some fun during December enjoying dinner at the Seven Creeks Hotel with Bill’s photography group.  Bill was back there again the next week with his computer group.  The next week saw us there again as we joined Kathy and Russell and six of their friends from The Goulburn Valley Bird group for lunch.  They had come across to Euroa to have a look at the shop and invited us to join them for their Christmas catch up.  It was great fun and lovely to meet them all.

We drove across to Jamieson one Friday evening to attend the opening night of a joint exhibition of Freddie’s photography and Paintings by local artist Julie Guppy.  It was a delightful evening and we enjoyed our time with Angie, Freddie, Julie and the few other people who had come along for the event.  There is now a new art piece for Bill to hang on the wall.  I have promised this will be the last one!

And then it was Christmas Day and we were up early and drove to Parkdale where we joined Faye, Rem, Ethan, Mum, Maree, Jarrod and Aaron for the day.  It has been a full year since we have seen them and it was lovely to be together again.  Soon after Rem’s Mum Amelia arrived with Laurie, Mario, Linda, Chris and Alf and the festivities began in earnest.  A delicious meal, games in the back yard and of course lots of talking and laughter.  A truly lovely day.  We spoke to both David and Gareth during the day and wished we could see them all again but with the virus rearing it’s head again and borders closing once more we don’t know when this might be.  

Boxing Day saw us rise and shine early and open the shop for the last day.  It was very quiet in the street but a few last items were sold.  One last piece of art caught my eye as we closing the door for the last time and I just had to take it home with me.  Titled Dream Boat this unique work with wire was made by our landlady Tess, under her working name, Sheila.  This really is my last piece!

Our little Pop Up shop has been open for 4 months and has been a great success.  The next three days were a little sad as each artist picked up their work but as Bill says ‘Leave them wanting more’ and all being well we may ‘pop up’ again next year.  9 of the 16 people joined us last night for a celebration barbecue to finish off our little venture.  A great night was had by all.  

 It’s been a year that none of us ever expected or could ever imagine and right now it seems like it’s not over yet as cases pop up and borders close again.  So for now it’s time to leave you all here and there is just one last thing to add.  Happy New Year and stay safe.  

until next time........