Playing the field
I must say that I think I was the key to our win, I had a secret weapon. Black & Red stripped socks (see Bianca in Anzac Day photo and imagine colour change). Whatever the reason it worked & I'll keep wearing them them. And they are warm too.
The next night saw us rugging up again (minus the socks) for a return to the Dome to see the Qantas Wallabies Vs Ireland in the rugby. This time we were both cheering for the same team and all came home happy so of course celebrated once again. Having never seen a Rugby game before, I found it very interesting as to how different it is to our football.

Sunday dawned like a barren landscape with no game on the horizon but then Hans found the remote and saved the day. Replay heaven. Lorraine & I managed to survive until it was time to catch a tram to Lygon St for a yummy lunch - thanks guys.
Footy aside, it was great to see Lorraine & Hans again and I hope you guys enjoyed the weekend as much as we did and we will see you again in a weeks time when we head over to Perth to meet Corbyn. Looking forward to seeing family and friends as well.
So with packing to do for our trip I'll leave you now and see you all soon
until next time...........