continued with a week of sunshine so we thought what better place to enjoy a spring weekend but Jamieson. All booked and ready to go when the weather Gods decided that winter wasn't really over and we had an Arctic Blast we had not planned on. Still it was not all bad, Freddie had the wood fire burning for our arrival and we made sure it stayed alight all weekend so were toasty warm each time we returned home. Both days were sunny but chilly and not too windy so all in all we enjoyed the days spent revisiting some favourite spots and marvelling about how much water there was now. With Lake Eildon at about 96% full and many of the local rivers overflowing we have seen water where for the last three years has only been dry riverbeds and paddocks. Not so anymore.
The peace, tranquility, birds & water are only some of the things that attract us back time and time again to this little piece of paradise. The mountains and valleys of the high country are just beautiful and another special place that we like to revisit is Kinloch Winery. Once again we whiled away a couple of hours with a seasonal gourmet platter and a glass or two of their very drinkable Pinot Meunier. All this in front of a nice warm fire, what better way to spend a chilly afternoon. We finished the day with dinner at the Jamieson pub then home to watch Eat Pray Love, a lovely Buller Shiraz and Chocolate. Lucky we only do this once in a while eh.

Coming home on Sunday we stopped at Bonnie Doon and it is here that you realise just how much of a difference the water has made. The old Rail Bridge runs next to the road bridge and stands 90 ft high. Three years ago there was not one drop of water here and trail bikes were tearing up the dry riverbed with dust flying everywhere. Now we are watching people water skiing under these bridges and houseboats all around. Still not sure on the serenity aspect. The sound of trail bikes has been traded for the sound of motor boats but the whole area looks amazing. I guess we wait and see how long it lasts this time. With the latest rain and the snow melt still running into Eildon it just might make the 100% before we get back in January. I hope so.
During the following week we had a culinary adventure that we had been looking forward to for a few weeks. We were off to the Press Club for a 'Nose to Tail' Degustation dinner with matching Wines. Champagne on arrival, olive bread, olive oil and volcanic salt to whet the appetite and then it happened. The beast was Beef and we started with Steak Tartare with pickles & Quail Egg. (10 year old Sherry) A very nice cured neck meat with miniature pickled vegetables was next (White Wine for Bill & a Sparkling Rose for me). A Tender Rib with velvety mash & steamed greens was too die for. (Shiraz) Next was the most tender eye fillet with Oxtail balls, some more greens (A robust Spanish Red) and just when we were thinking we could not fit another thing in desert arrived and who knew how well Pineapple Mousse, Ginger Mousse in Brandy snaps & Coconut Mousse work together. The desert chef did obviously and the only bad thing about this was that it was a Tuesday night and we both had to work the next day. What can I say, it was a great night and dinner was just delicious. We didn't meet George Calambaris but did bring home a signed cookbook and two bottles of his own Olive Oil. Now I just need to feel brave enough to try one of the beautiful recipes. Maybe one day.

The fine spring weather had made a return during the week just in time for our next adventure which was another weekend catchup with the boys & their wives from the RAAF. This time we were off to Queenscliff for a night of fun and music on the Legendary Blues Train. For those regular readers of rhossietalk you will know that we have been on the Blues Train before and loved it so we were really looking forward to another fun night. We stayed at Point Lonsdale Guest House, formerly known as The Terminus. It is a lovely old building and started life as accommodation for the lighthouse keepers and their families. Now it is a fun place to spend a couple of days by the coast.
We drove down on Friday night after dinner and spent a quiet evening in the lovely lounge with the heater and the footy. Allan & Elka arrived soon after and we chatted for a couple of hours. Breakfast was a fun affair with Geoff & Helen joining in before we all headed off for a day of individual pursuits. Bill & I had a wander through Point Lonsdale village. A walk along the coastal path down to the lighthouse and back to the guesthouse just in time to meet Graeme & Sue arriving from Echuca. A quick check in and the four of us headed of into Queenscliff for a coffee and catchup. This soon developed into lunch with Bubbles and before we knew it a few hours had passed, very pleasantly I must say. Again we went our separate ways and Bill & I had a wander round this lovely little town before heading back once more for a bit of a rest before the big night. One of us had a Nana nap (and it wasn't the Nana) before meeting the others in Basil's Bar for a drink or two before the night got started.

What can I say, we had another great night on The Blues Train. We met in the bar first for drinks & nibbles and then were taken to the station by bus. Once on the station you are gathered in your carriage groups and then called up be served your dinner. You eat this in your assigned carriage (on tables which are removed later from carriage D) and at 8.00 sharp the train pulls out and the fun begins. With a different Blues act in each carriage you party as you travel until you reach the next station when you all move to the next carriage. The band stays put. A great way to hear 4 Blues acts, have a bit of fun and a dance if you like. We saw two groups, one duo and a solo act. All were very good but my favourite was the two brothers who were playing together for the first time ever. The older brother has played for years here and all over America and his younger brother was a rookie. He seemed to be enjoying the experience. We did. A good time was had by all and after a short bus ride back to the guesthouse we all said goodnight once more.
Breakfast the next morning was a bit noisier with 14 of us instead of 6 as we chatted and caught up with each other again. Once again it was deemed to be another successful weekend and we are planning to do it again after Christmas. All too soon it was time to say goodbye once more and we all headed off to wind our way home again. We decided that we had 'done' Queenscliff yesterday and with the news that only one car ferry to Sorrento was operational we decided that we would give that option a miss and so came home through Ocean Grove and Barwon Heads.

This was a good choice and with a perfect spring day our coffee/lunch at the Cafe on the Jetty at Barwon Heads was just what we needed after our big night out. We walked off lunch a little later with a wander along the coastal path & back through the well maintained caravan park, just in case we might want to stop there one day, before finding the car and pointing to home.
So three weeks in and September continues to smile on us with sensational sunny spring days. What will next week bring, Bill's Birthday for one, Stay tuned and see what we get up too next.
until next time..............