Keep up to date with Rhos and Bill as they enjoy life in country Victoria and places beyond. Photos by Bill and Rhos

Friday, November 21, 2014

Driving back to Darwin.........

We woke to another glorious morning of blue sky and sunshine, packed our bags, handed in the key to our very comfy little cabin and then called past to see how Josie and Nolan were going with the caravan packing.  All was good and so we said goodbye here for a few hours as we were going to make some stops along the way home.
Our first stop was back up the Mount Bundy Rd where we had a look at the sight where the Hospital Train used to come in during the war.  Reading the plaques here we learnt so much about the history of this country that I'm sure we never learnt at school.
A little further up the road we found some small termite mounds which some inventive people had dressed up.  Very cute but begs the question - Why.  Of course I had to have photos!
As we drove back down the road we saw two kites on a tree so that was an invitation for Bill to get out the camera and they stayed there for some time.  As one flew away we spotted a nest in a nearby tree and found another sitting on it.  Leaving them in peace we drove back to the Adelaide River War Cemetery and on the way found three more Red Tailed Black Cockatoos so we stopped and Bill spent some time playing with these gorgeous birds. 
Up in the same tree we found two beautiful Pied Imperial Pigeons and they were very accommodating and watched  patiently while Bill clicked.
We called into the pub for a quick sandwich for lunch and then hit the road for the drive home.  We stopped at Manton dam along the way but with lots of people, jet skis and power boats there, the birds had flown away so we continued back to town stopping at a car wash on the way.  Our silver car was quiet red and I'm not sure that Avis would want it back like that.
Back at home we spent a quiet afternoon with Josie and Nolan in the garden before heading down to Nighcliff for sunset drinks and a Yiros for dinner.  While there we were entertained by the passing parade of walkers, joggers, dogs and kids, but the real highlight was the Swing Dancing  class that was happening on the other side of the park.  Highly entertaining and great music too.
Returning home it was early to bed as Bill and Nolan have to work tomorrow and I'm off to visit Virginia and meet two little boys, Toby and Beau.

Until then.........


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