Back home and off to the races........
We soon had the van unpacked, the washing sorted and the shopping done. Life was back in it's easy rhythm in our little country town. We visited the weekend markets again stocking up on fresh fruit and veggies and enjoyed catching up with friends in town for coffee and dinner.

The following week I joined some of the ladies at our local cinema to see the special 'Senoirs Week' screening of Voyage of the Southern Sun. This is a documentary style movie showing the amazing solo journey around the world by Micheal Smith. After spending 20 years restoring Melbourne's Sun Theatre in Yarraville and becoming one of Australia's last independent theatre owners he wanted a new challenge. So with limited flying experience, no support team and only basic instruments in his tiny Searey amphibian flying boat he left Sydney to circumnavigate the world following Qantas, Imperial and Pan Am routes researching cinema history along the way. All in all a very interesting and entertaining movies and I would certainly recommend it to you all.

The next week it was showtime again and we spent a fun day at the Euroa Show. This years theme was 'Food comes from farms' and once again everyone got into the spirit of showtime and there were some great displays. The scarecrows featured again but I loved the wonderful hay bale sculptures this year.

Last year Bill entered some of his photos but this year he was asked to assist in the judging so no glory for him this time. He enjoyed his involvement again and even had time to make rude remarks about me when he found another hay bale sculpture. Something along the lines of Rhossie crashing I believe. Don't worry he will get his one day.

Before we knew it October was over and November was with us once more. Of course all self respecting Victorians know that this means Melbourne Cup Day. This year we didn't head to Flemington but instead packed the van and headed over the hill to Mansfield where we spent four days with Shelley, Darren and Kyan. They have a cabin in one of the caravan parks there and so we joined them there for the long weekend.

We had a great weekend and on Cup Day donned the 'glad rags' once again (it's been a few years) and caught the courtesy bus to the Mansfield Races. What a fabulous time we all had. The country race meet is just a little different from it's big city cousin but so much fun. The weather was perfect, the crowd was a real mix of people with lots of families picnicking on the grass. Great fashion, great entertainment and of course the horse races.
Five races were were run over the afternoon and only one had six horses so you could place an each way bet. The others had four, three and two horses running. I particularly liked when horse 1 and 2 came first and second in that order. And no I didn't pick the winner even in the two horse race. Bill and Kyan beat me again.
While in Mansfield we took the opportunity on Monday to drive over to Jamieson and catch up with Angie and Freddie at their place in the valley. We had a lovely time and enjoyed seeing them both again.

Back at at home the following Friday it was Targa time and so we walked down to catch the action. We saw a number of cars come and go and once again were intrigued by the number of very tall men driving and navigating these very small cars.
On Monday morning we welcomed Pat and Russell from Perth. They were visiting their son Blake in Melbourne and had driven up to say hello. We had a lovely morning catching up in the sunshine and then popped into town for lunch at Alberts. It was so good to see them again, thanks for coming up and I hope you enjoyed the rest of your visit.
We had some sad news during the week as we got word that one of Bill's aunties had passed away. Auntie Shirley was Dad's older sister and a wonderful lady who kept us laughing each time we saw her. We joined other family members last week to farewell her and certainly like to think that she is now keeping Dad and Uncle Jack in order somewhere in the great unknown.

Bill and I took the train into the city as we had some stuff to do. Once sorted we had a quick look at the Myer Christmas Windows. Between the very noisy buskers and the super noisy screaming kid beside us we managed to get a look at the windows and while they will entertain everyone as usual I didn't think they were quite so good as previous years. The Perfect Christmas is the story of a little elf looking for the perfect Christmas only to find it is already happening in his own place.
We caught the train back to Bonbeach and then headed off for the long drive south to Foster where we were going to spend the weekend with Al. It rained nearly all the way down but just as we arrived the sun came out and shone for the rest of the weekend.

We were a little early and so we had a look around Foster while we waited for Al to arrive home from work. We found a lovely little town full of history from the gold mining years. The gardens at Stockman's Creek were lush and green, the Historical Society buildings inviting but closed. Lots of fabulous murals on the shop walls and I just loved this one of the Sundial. And yes it did work if you added the hour for EDST.

Al arrived home and we were made comfortable before returning to the pub for dinner that night. Back at home we enjoyed a good red wine, music and lots of catching up with each other. I left the boys and headed for bed and I believe they talked long into the night.
Saturday morning saw saw us walk back into town and visit the farmers market, the post office and the coffee shop - we had to stay awake somehow after our late nights. Back home via the market to buy Beetroot Sourdough. Sounds interesting eh but was really tasty. That afternoon Al took us on a sightseeing drive to Port Welshpool, a little hamlet on Corner Inlet in South Gippsland. We walked out onto the pier checking out the few fishing boats moored there and the few fisher people along the pier.

Of course we had to stop for a drink at the pub to help boost the local economy and both Bill and Al looked quite comfortable here. On the way back we stopped and shopped for dinner that night and Al made us a delicious Chicken and Peach dish. So good that I now have the recipe and will have to try it soon. We enjoyed another evening with red wine, music from The Eagles and of course more talk.

The next morning we said goodbye to Al after a wonderful couple of days. Thanks so much for having us and we look forward to seeing you again soon. From here we drove back to Maree's stopping for a look around at Fish Creek. Bill had lived here as a little boy and even started school there. It was another lovely little hamlet but we didn't stop for long.

Back at Maree's we enjoyed a quiet afternoon with her. Mum came a little later and we had fish and chips for dinner and then we popped up to see Faye, Rem and Ethan for a little while before returning to stay overnight with Maree again. It was a lovely day, thanks again for the bed and we'll see you again at Christmas.
The next morning it was back on the train as we returned to the city for a Dr's appointment before returning home to pick up the car and drive to Dandenong where Bill had a general dental appointment that afternoon. Hopefully that is the last of them until well into next year. Leaving around 4.30pm we negotiated the peak hour traffic until we were out behind Yarra Glen and on our way home leaving the city traffic behind us. If had been a busy few days but fun as well. Now time to rest at home and catch our breath again.
until next time........
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