Time out at Birds on Barron........
We arrived ‘home’ mid afternoon and found Linda a little busy as Trevor was in Melbourne for surgery so she and Gracyn were managing on their own with help from their lovely neighbours Rod and Leanne. We’ll help out while we’re here if we can.

The campground was busy but most people were down by the river so we had the orchard to ourselves for a few days.
We shopped on Saturday, washed and cleaned a bit and enjoyed the birds around the garden. This Bush Stone Curlew seemed intent on watching us too. On Sunday I decided to turn the pumpkin that Sue had given me at Artemis into pumpkin soup. It was yummy and Linda and Gracyn joined us for dinner that night.
We drove to Cairns on Tuesday. It was a slow drive down the Kuranda Range as there was tree trimming in progress but we made it up and down safely.

Once our shopping was done we spent a couple of hours enjoying the sunshine and a walk along The Esplanade looking at the many shorebirds and street art. This Striated Heron certainly looked like it was up to no good.
Back at home Bill scrubbed the car and got rid of all the mud and dust collected over the last five weeks.
On Wednesday Bill turned gardener as he helped Linda trim all the trees in the orchard. While he chopped and sawed I got into the act as well gathering branches and weeding under some of the trees. Lots of fun and great to be able to help a bit.
That night we all had dinner at The Gateway, a fabulous pub in Mareeba. Leanne, Rob and some other friends joined us as well and a fun time was had by all.
The next day we decided to have a day out with the birds and drove to Julatten and Mt Lewis. We enjoyed a walk through the rain forest here and found a group of very noisy Chowchillas, a beautiful Atherton Scrub Wren and the very pretty Yellow Boatbill.
On Friday morning we joined Linda and friends for breakfast in town at a fabulous ‘continental deli’. Good coffee, tasty food and great company was a fun way to start the day. The day finished in a similar vein with us all pitching in and enjoying a communal meal with Linda, Gracyn, Sam (her fiance), Leanne and Rob. Another fun night and just like that our first week was over already.
On Saturday morning we drove to Yungaburra to have a look at the market there. It was raining right throughout the tablelands so it was a very soggy visit. A great market and a very pretty little town.

On Sunday we stuck with the market theme and drove down to Kuranda. The rain had set in there too so another soggy day was had. Lunch at the French Crepe cafe was delicious but the rest really was quite disappointing. Just like one big souvenir shop I thought. I was happy to get out of the rain again as we headed back home.
After a quiet day on Monday we headed out again on Tuesday hoping to find some birds at Wongabel State Forest and Mt Hypipamee National Park. This was not to be as the rain kept on falling making it impossible to find anything in the dark rain forest.
We decided that a trip down to the coast might be a good idea and we hoped that we might see a Cassowary at Etty Bay, one of the absolute sure fire spots to see them. And yes we did see one! Just the back of it as it walked away into the bush.
We waited with another couple to see if they would come back but they never did. The Leaden Flycatcher was beautiful but not what we had come to see. By now it was raining here too so we gave up and drove back home. Not much fun in the rain. Never mind, we’ll get a picture one day! The little bay was lovely though.

The next day we went along to the Dr and both had our flu needles. Leaving home in April meant that we were too early to get them but the Dr here was happy to oblige so we are good to go now. Back at home Bill got to work with the hose and a broom and tried to wash all the mud and dust off the van. Looks great for a little while at least.

That night we enjoyed another fabulous evening with Linda, Leanne and Rod as we had a farewell dinner. It really is so hard to leave such good friends but time is marching on and we still have a long way to go for the next part of this incredible journey.
One of the things Linda does here is a Billy Tea for a tour company that comes up from Cairns a few times a week. Bill had enjoyed these as much as the guests as he got to eat any leftovers each time. To farewell us in style Linda made a Billy Tea and Damper just for Bill. It was lovely and we enjoyed yet another fun morning with her and the neighbours.

At last it was time to leave and we said our farewells again. Thank you so much for your wonderful hospitality and friendship. So sorry we missed seeing Trevor but we wish him a speedy recovery and we’ll see him next time.
And so after 13 wonderful days it was time to become nomads again and we hit the road heading west. We stopped for lunch in Queensland's ‘highest’ bakery at Ravenshoe before stopping for the night at Archer Creek rest area and the next night at a rest area in Minnamulka.
The next night we found a great spot on the way to Hughenden. No one else there, sheer bliss we thought! Not so, as within a few moments of us stopping two campers and two caravans arrived and stayed. 3 dogs, 5 kids and a drone - goodbye peace! We did survive. The next morning we left them to it and drove in to Hughenden where we stayed in the RV Park at the showgrounds.
While here we enjoyed wandering along the Flinders River, completely dry, and the Robert Gray Memorial Park. The fish sculpture made of all sorts of nuts and bolts was very quirky. The Historic Coolibah Tree across the road is of immense historical importance as it is linked to two relief expeditions searching for the Burke and Wills Expedition. Both expeditions blazed the tree on the banks of what is now Station Creek.
The next morning we headed off again and found a lovely spot to camp at Mistake Creek in Winton.
We went into town the next morning and saw the new Waltzing Matilda Centre. This had just reopened a few weeks ago and the queues to get in were pretty daunting. I think we’ll wait until it’s not such a novelty. The building is a very modern structure that would be right at home in Federation Square. It certainly stands out in Winton’s main street.
Back at home the washing was dry and we were ready to begin our next adventure. To cross the country on Australia’s Longest Shortcut, The Outback Way. Stay tuned!
until next time.......
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