Back on track

In more ways than one. Post Games the crowds are down, though the tour buses are still full every morning as I walk to work. The Grand Prix came to town last week with all the noise (we could hear it from home) and colour everyone has come to expect each March. Red is the predominant colour, though this year Ferrari seemed to go from disaster to disaster and totalled more than a couple of their cars. We had intended to go but a very cold & wet Saturday and a rolled ankle (I was cold stone sober) made us rethink our plans and it is now on the agenda for next year. We still felt we were part of the action as on Saturday morning we watched the Roulettes doing their routines & flybys over the track which as the crow flies is just 5 mins from home.
On Saturday night we went to the Regent Theatre to see the Lion King. It was wonderful, everything we expected and more. We can certainly recommend that you put it on your list of things to see if it comes to a theatre near you.
Sunday we headed off to Harmony Row Winery in Kyneton with some friends to see Harry Manx play there. He is a Blues/Jazz singer and plays an interesting array of stringed instruments (one made from a cigar box). He is coming to a venue near you in the not too distant future so if you come across him, he is well worth a listen too. He will be in country WA and the Blues Club in Perth. So after lunch in Gisborn, on the way, a nice bottle of Red and some good music, it wasn't a bad way to spend a Sunday.
Now that the crowds have dispersed, I can once again find some of the interesting items of Public Art Melbourne has to offer. This week, in keeping with the animal theme of the Lion King, I have included Larry Latrobe. Larry can be found in the City Square on the corner of Collins & Swanston St. I have discovered that Larry has a rather interesting past as noted below.
Background information on Larry’s lively life:
1992 Melbourne City Council commissioned Pamela Irving to make a sculpture for the Melbourne City Square. She produced a bronze dog called Larry Latrobe. Larry quickly won the hearts of the locals as well as tourists and visitors alike.
1995 In the dead of a winter night in 1995, Larry was stolen from the City Square causing a public uproar and a plea for his return in Melbourne’s media. He was dognapped, and remains unrecovered to this day!
In an effort to flush Larry of out of hiding, the Melbourne City Council built a 3 metre high float of Larry for the Moomba Parade.
1997 A kind benefactor, Peter Kolliner, paid for Larry to be recast for the City of Melbourne. Larry was reinstated, this time with very secure footings. The City Square has been refurbished with Larry relocated on the corner of Swanston and Collins Street Melbourne where he remains an icon.
So after another adventure filled week in the life & times of Rhos & Bill there is only one more thing to say
Until next time............
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